Cedar Grove Mansion, Vicksburg, Mississippi
One of the most striking antebellum mansions in Mississippi, Cedar Grove has, for all of its beauty, seen its fair share of tragedy. Originally the home of John and Elizabeth Klein, it was also the site of some of the family’s deaths. One of their sons was killed on the back porch stairs when a gun accidentally went off – he was just 17 years old – and a daughter and two young infants died here as well, with their deaths attributed to disease. John Klein enjoyed pipe smoking, and near his study the smell of a pipe is often caught. Elizabeth has frequently been seen throughout the house, acting as if she’s simply carrying out her usual day to day chores. The apparition of a little girl has also been seen coming down the main stairs, and footsteps on the back porch stairs have also been heard. Apart from activity linked to the family, many guests have reported seeing Civil War soldiers throughout the house and grounds – hardly surprising since the ...